Scottish 6 Day, D1 (31-07-2011)
Categoria: Maps
Mapa/Área: Dunollie and Dunstaffnage
Organisação: FVO
País: Scotland
Disciplina: Classic
Distância: 10.51 km
Tempo: 70:19
Pulsação média: 172
Pulsação máxima: 184
Had an ok run.... No real mistakes, just a bit hesitant in places.
8, I just lost confidence and didn't attack the control.
Unsure of my route to 14 - i didn't know if it was optium...
Around the final loop, i wasn't aggressive and leaked time to Seamus. Including 2mins on control 18... one of which was me just standing there, unable to match up anything.

All in all, real good fun
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Scottish 6 Day, D1 (31-07-2011)